Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Focus on One Thing

Recently my wife brought home some Girl Scout cookies. While I remember her asking me if I wanted to order some cookies, I don’t remember what I ordered. But after she brought them home I was happy and hooked….all over again. You see, every year my wife supports the efforts of the Girls Scouts by purchasing their cookies. As I was enjoying a box of some lemon-flavored cookies (I never know the real Girl Scout names) I notice some writing on the side of one of the boxes. It stated something to the effect of how excited this particular scout was about participating in the cookie drive every year. At that point something hit me…actually two things. The first being that these little lemon cookies were delicious. The other thing was the fact no matter how many new types of cookies they introduced; they still kept their old favorites. Also, while other options to raise funds for the organization could have fostered greater income, they remained faithful to their cookie drive. They have been faithful to one thing; the cookie drive.
As  I think about the words of Paul as he wrote to the church at Philippi, there really is one thing that God requires from us; forgetting and reaching. While Paul writes it as two things it really is one motion. Philippians 3:13 says “forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before….” This is really the model of success….focusing on One Thing. There is no way for a person or even an organization to reach significant success by trying to do everything well. Choose one thing and do that One Thing well and the blessings will come.
There is really only one thing that is required of the Christian; reach forward. I don’t mean to get too theological but if God is transcendent, He desires for us to search for and seek after Him. Once we make our main focus the process of seeking to know and enjoying God for who He is, then and only then will we leave a legacy for others to follow. No matter what new comes our way, our focus should still be One Thing.
Let’s all be like the Girl Scouts of America; hold fast to our history while moving toward our destiny. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stop waving at your haters

If I hear another preacher say “wave at your haters and say bye-bye” I believe that I’m going to throw up! I understand that everyone has people that don’t necessarily like them. There are people that don’t really care for me either. However, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life using all of my energy focusing on what used to be. My enemies/haters (or whatever we want to call them) are a part of my past; I’ve done enough waving at them. I said goodbye a long time ago. I believe now is the time in my life where I am going to stop waving and start working. We must take the attitude of Jesus and “work the works of him that sent [us], while it is day” (John 9:4a). Now is the time to start rebuilding our lives. Nehemiah provides us a great example on how to handle the temptation to peep at the past. Nehemiah was so focused on building what had been torn down, that he did not have time to come down and even respond the requests of his enemies. After they asked to meet with him, Nehemiah sent a message that said “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?" (Nehemiah 6:3). Always keep in mind that temporary people tear down, but mature people build up. So the next time someone asks you to look at your haters, tell them that you have matured from peeping at your past to focusing on your future.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Over the last few days it has been snowing in various parts of the country; the South has had their share as well as the Northeast part of the nation. As I was looking at the snow and feeling the chill and getting sliced by the “bite” in the air, I began to wonder why we were having all of this unique weather. The more I thought I went from wondering to celebrating. You see, each season has everything to do with the next season. The bitter cold of the Winter kills off the bugs of the past season and gives the ground an opportunity to start all over again. This reminds me of the grace of God. When we get honest with ourselves and expose our sin before God, it initially feels cold and it bites to the core…just like the winds of winter. But after we endure the bite of judgment, God then reveals His unforgettable love…like the warm sunshine of Spring. When we expose ourselves and get “gut-level” honest with God, then He is able to deal with the “bugs” of our sin. So instead of getting mad, “count it all joy” (James chapter 1) and get ready. The cold of Winter just prepares us for the beauty of Spring. So no matter what season you are in God is still working out for our good. Enjoy the seasons….they are ordered by God.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Back and the same time

I was sitting here thinking...this is the last day of the year, but it is also the beginning of another year. Isn’t it funny how we take this same day every year to look back and forward at the same time. People are looking back with either regret or relief; regret for what could have happened or even regret at the things that did happen that were not so good. We also look back and smile at what happened and is now over. Think about it for a minute… what we say. Also we are looking forward with excitement and expectation...of what the possibilities are for a new start. So today I have chosen to make it a great day! I Reflect on what was AND Reach for the next blessing. Happy New Year everyone…

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Threshold

Today is one of those days that we stand on the threshold of something big. Webster’s dictionary defines a threshold as “any place or point of entering or beginning.” So today would be defined as a “threshold day.” Now whether you are beginning a new job, a new relationship, or even new chapters in your life, thresholds are a major thing. Christmas Eve gives us an opportunity to get that “feeling” all over again. You see all thresholds have something in common, but they are all different. They are common in the fact that they represent transition or a new beginning…but they are different in that they all have different beginnings. We celebrate the same thing every year; the birth of Jesus Christ…but this year is different than last year in that each of us is at a different place. Whether we are the wise men, just searching for the next big thing, or if we are shepherds, the outsiders being invited to the party, each of us is seeing Christ from a different perspective…or we should be. So let’s treat this time as if we are going through a threshold…it’s the same, but different all at the same time. Celebrate the entrance of our new king.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


You never know where real help is going to come from….it can come from anywhere. Recently at the end of a time of personal devotion and prayer, I decided to hit the internet and do some surfing. As I surfed I came across a blog that seemed to address some of the issues that I was personally facing. After reading that blog I was motivated to keep going. That’s how God works…right? He gives us just enough to make the next step. If we reflect back on the pattern prayer that Jesus states in Matthew 6, verse 11 reminds us to just ask for “daily bread.” This doesn’t mean that we should not plan, but it does give us a plan to eliminate worry. In other words, if you are dealing with an issue challenge, problem, or just something that has you up at night or confused during the day, God will provide what you need to make it through THIS DAY. Just like the children of Israel in the wilderness, you’ll get manna….but it’s only good for THIS DAY. So celebrate what you get….THIS DAY!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Change...good or bad

Whether we want to admit it or not CHANGE happens all of the time. For some reason human beings have a problem with CHANGE. It may be because we like things the way they are because we worked so hard to adjust that we don’t need any other modifications.
The truth is CHANGE happens. Here is what we need to understand….all change happens with a divine meaning behind it. It may not happen the way we want it to but it happens with our future in mind; not our present.
So, the next time you see change on the horizon; good or bad…don’t fight it. It hurts, it’s confusing, and it can be frustrating but it is necessary. There is a HAND behind the change. Romans 8:28 states that “..all things work together for the good….”. Read the rest of the verse and it will outline WHO it is pointed to. CHANGE…wait for it…and it will shape you to fit your future.