Wednesday, December 16, 2009


You never know where real help is going to come from….it can come from anywhere. Recently at the end of a time of personal devotion and prayer, I decided to hit the internet and do some surfing. As I surfed I came across a blog that seemed to address some of the issues that I was personally facing. After reading that blog I was motivated to keep going. That’s how God works…right? He gives us just enough to make the next step. If we reflect back on the pattern prayer that Jesus states in Matthew 6, verse 11 reminds us to just ask for “daily bread.” This doesn’t mean that we should not plan, but it does give us a plan to eliminate worry. In other words, if you are dealing with an issue challenge, problem, or just something that has you up at night or confused during the day, God will provide what you need to make it through THIS DAY. Just like the children of Israel in the wilderness, you’ll get manna….but it’s only good for THIS DAY. So celebrate what you get….THIS DAY!

1 comment:

LB said...

I am learning more and more to celebrate everyday and live one day at a time because tomorrow is certainly not promised at all. I have had the same experience; I guess that why I like blogging. I read other blogs more than I update my own. lol