Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Threshold

Today is one of those days that we stand on the threshold of something big. Webster’s dictionary defines a threshold as “any place or point of entering or beginning.” So today would be defined as a “threshold day.” Now whether you are beginning a new job, a new relationship, or even new chapters in your life, thresholds are a major thing. Christmas Eve gives us an opportunity to get that “feeling” all over again. You see all thresholds have something in common, but they are all different. They are common in the fact that they represent transition or a new beginning…but they are different in that they all have different beginnings. We celebrate the same thing every year; the birth of Jesus Christ…but this year is different than last year in that each of us is at a different place. Whether we are the wise men, just searching for the next big thing, or if we are shepherds, the outsiders being invited to the party, each of us is seeing Christ from a different perspective…or we should be. So let’s treat this time as if we are going through a threshold…it’s the same, but different all at the same time. Celebrate the entrance of our new king.

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